How do I find a Mac address on my laptop?
How can I find a Mac address on my laptop?
Whenever a device gets connected to a network it will get a unique address in the network itself known as IP address. This address is unique but it is dynamic in nature, i.e., it gets changed for each network you get connected to. In order to identify a device on the network a physical address is assigned to each device, this is known as MAC address. This is a 12 characters combination of letters, numbers and colon, like 00:1A:C2:7B:00:47. MAC address can be found in any device very easily, the steps will be different depending on the OS in use. We are mentioning the steps for each type of system here.
Steps to find the mac address on Laptop
To find the MAC
address on Windows computer:
1. Click on start in
the bottom-left corner of the task bar.
2. Select Run or type
CMD in the search input.
3. It will open up the
command prompt window.
4. Type "ipconfig
/all". (Space included between g and /).
5. This will give you
all the addresses attached to the system. You can find the MAC address easily
listed as "Physical Address".
6. Each type of internet connection has a separate MAC Address.
To find the MAC
address on Apple computer:
1. Go to system
preference from the menu.
2. Go to Network.
3. Select Airport for
getting the wireless adapter MAC.
4. Click Advance where
the MAC address is listed as Airport ID
5. Select Built-in
Ethernet for ethernet MAC address.
6. Click Advance where
the MAC address is listed as Ethernet ID.
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